Growth Fund


Invests across multiple asset classes, selecting a lesser exposure to cash and fixed interest investments and a greater exposure to equity and property investments and aims to achieve long-term returns (before fees, taxes and other expenses) greater than a composite benchmark relating to the fund’s target investment mix. Investors can expect high levels of movement up and down in value and to receive longer-term returns that are higher than those of the Balanced Fund (but with more risk).


Unit Price

Month End Unit Price

As at 28 Feb 2025

1.1928 NZD

The unit prices shown do not take into account any adjustment for any accrued PIE tax that individual investors may need to pay on withdrawal. Buy/sell spreads may apply when transacting - there are currently none.


Manager's Comment

How did your portfolio perform?

The Growth Fund delivered a gross return of -1.00% for the month of February, in line with the fund’s benchmark return of -1.08%.

For the 12 months to the end of February, the Growth Fund delivered a gross return of 11.07%, underperforming the fund’s benchmark return of 12.86% by -1.79%.

Major Investments

As at 28 Feb 2025
Company name % of fund
Intermede Global Equity Fund 13.78%
Hunter Global Fixed interest Fund 6.00%
Fisher & Paykel Healthcare Corporation Limited 2.17%
ANZ transactional bank account 1.75%
Precinct Properties New Zealand Limited 1.73%
Goodman Property Trust 1.67%
Auckland International Airport Limited 1.43%
Kiwi Property Group Limited 1.31%
Infratil Limited 1.31%
Contact Energy Limited 1.11%
Major holdings as % of total portfolio 32.25%

Performance over time

Return Comparison

As at 28 Feb 2025
1 Month 3 Months 1 Year *3 Years *Since commenced operation
Net Fund Return 1 Month -1.10% 3 Months 0.48% 1 Year 9.68% *3 Years 5.82% *Since commenced operation 4.58%
Gross Fund Return 1 Month -1.00% 3 Months 0.81% 1 Year 11.07% *3 Years 7.16% *Since commenced operation 5.88%
Composite Index 1 Month -1.08% 3 Months 0.67% 1 Year 12.86% *3 Years 7.04% *Since commenced operation 6.08%

Net Fund Returns are calculated before deduction of taxes but after deduction of fund charges and trading expenses and including imputation credits and foreign tax credits where available. Prior to October 2022 Net Fund Returns were calculated after deduction of fund charges, trading expenses and accrued tax for a New Zealand resident paying individual tax at the highest Prescribed Investor Rate (28%). Gross Fund Returns are calculated before deduction of taxes and fund charges but after deduction of trading expenses and including imputation credits and foreign tax credits where applicable. Market index returns do not have any deductions for fund charges, trading expenses or tax.


Fund update

As at 31 December 2024

This document tells you how the Growth Fund has performed and what fees were charged. The document will help you to compare the fund with other funds. (Please note that this fund was previously known as the Forsyth Barr Growth Fund, and that Fund Updates may refer to the fund by that name.)
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General Fund Information

Risk indicator

Potentially lower returns
Potentially higher returns
  • 1
  • 2
  • 3
  • 4
  • 5
  • 6
  • 7
Lower risk
Higher risk

The risk indicator is rated from 1 (low) to 7 (high). The rating reflects how much the value of the relevant fund’s assets goes up and down (volatility). A higher risk generally means higher potential returns over time, but more ups and downs along the way.

This fund started on 11 December 2020 and as at 31 December 2024 we calculated the risk indicator using market index returns data for periods before that date, and actual fund returns data afterwards. Using market index return data may make the risk indicator a less reliable indicator of how much fund values might go up and down in the future. See more information about the risks of investing in the Product Disclosure Statement.

Tactical asset allocation (last updated 31 January 2025)

Cash and cash equivalents 3.00%
New Zealand fixed interest 11.00%
International fixed interest 6.00%
Australasian equities 30.00%
International equities 41.00%
Listed property 9.00%

Things to note

  • Manager: Forsyth Barr Investment Management Limited
  • Investment manager: Octagon Asset Management Limited
  • Date the fund started: 11 December 2020
  • Tax status: Portfolio Investment Fund (PIE)
  • Minimum suggested investment time frame: At least five years
  • Benchmark: A composite benchmark relating to the fund’s target investment mix.
  • Currency: New Zealand dollars

View the Product Disclosure Statement for detailed information about this Fund and Octagon Investment Funds Scheme.


  • Annual fund charges are currently 1.25% p.a. of the value of your investment. We pay management and administration charges along with the Supervisor fee out of this. All fees and charges are quoted exclusive of GST.

Forsyth Barr Investment Management Limited is the issuer and Octagon Asset Management Limited the investment manager of the Octagon Investment Funds. The comments on this webpage do not take your personal circumstances into account. Before acting on any information on this webpage, we recommend you seek financial advice. Past performance is not a reliable guide to future performance. Forsyth Barr Investment Management Limited, Octagon Asset Management Limited and their affiliates do not make any representation or warranty (express or implied) that this webpage is accurate, complete, or current and to the maximum extent permitted by law disclaim any liability for loss which may be incurred by any person relying on this webpage. This webpage is not intended to be distributed or made available to any person in any jurisdiction where doing so would constitute a breach of any applicable laws or regulations.

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