
Buy / Sell Spreads

When market conditions are more volatile than usual, we may, at our discretion, apply buy/sell spreads. A buy spread is added to the unit price when units are purchased, and a sell spread is deducted from the unit price when units are redeemed. Buy/sell spreads are not a fee paid to us or any investment manager, but are a cost retained by the relevant fund to cover higher-than-usual transaction costs due to market conditions that arise from each investor’s application, withdrawal or switch. If we judge market conditions to be normal, there will generally not be any buy/sell spreads.

The purpose of buy/sell spreads is to make sure that these transaction costs are borne by the investor making the application, withdrawal or switch, and not other investors in the fund.

If we need to apply a buy/sell spread to any of the Forsyth Barr Investments Funds, we will let you know on this page of our website; we will also let you know the amount of any buy/sell spread.

Currently, there are no buy/sell spreads on our funds.

Forsyth Barr Investment Management Limited is the issuer, and Octagon Asset Management Limited the investment manager, of the Octagon Investment Funds. A copy of the Product Disclosure Statement for the Funds is available from, by contacting your Forsyth Barr Investment Adviser, or by calling 0800 628 246.

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